
Game Moderator Neutral
Night Shade You focus on calming the horse by speaking in a calming voice and slowy the horse stopped trembling and it's ears were more relaxed with the hoof pawing at the ground had stopped. You carefully put the halter on the gray horse then attach the lead. After a few minutes of staring at you then the dotted stallion trotted over back to the small herd. He had no interest in joining you. You lead the gray stallion into the trees then to where your squirrels and tag alongs were so your horse couldn't be seen. What next: A) Focus on white stallion with red eyes next B) Look for different creature Misfit flowers You stayed very still like a statue as the cat was very close to your face before it grabbed the fish then got on your lap and after some kneeding laid down to eat the fish. The cat was now purring happily on your lap. What next: A) Try to pat the cat B) stay still and leave it to eat Rouge Whispers You head over to the log then put your box and bag down to look the over. It had crystals of all sorts of colors and shapes poking out in random locations on the logs. While heavy and strong but you would need to keep your balance. You could try going fast by speed walking or running? You could also go slow and careful? Thoughts: A) Go fast across log (risky) B) Go slow across log (safer) C) Go choose a different option
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A. focus on the next stallion
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A. focus on the next stallion
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Game Moderator Neutral
Night Shade Tying your gray horse to the tree and making your way to a tree that is close enough for you to see the stallion. His red eyes appear to be trying to burn the black stallion to ash. You checked and noticed that you had grabbed a rope without knowing but then again it may be good you have the rope just in case. You scanned the area and saw the two trees closer to the white horse and the large herd. You could go to the trees close to the white stallion or you could walk up to the stallion? Maybe get it's attention and draw it to you? Thoughts: A) Go to the trees B) Walk up to the white horse C) Draw the attention of white horse
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D) Call the cat and offer a fish

Game Moderator Neutral
KatieXiX You grab one of the fish and keep it in sight so the cat could see it then you started calling the cat hoping it would come out. Whenever you waved the fish then the eyes would follow but if the fish stayed still then there was no movement. You also heard a meow everytime you called for the cat. After a few more minutes of offering the fish by waving it and calling the cat, there was a blur and you felt claws in your arms, There was the cat with a fish in it's teeth and looking at you with excited dark blue eyes while it was holding onto the arm that had the hand that held the fish. Catch a cat day: A) Remove cat's claws B) Put a collar on your new friend
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A. Better safe than sorry, I get closer to the trees.
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Game Moderator Neutral
Night Shade You get closer to the trees until you were close to the herd and white stallion but yet at the same time you weren't too close. A few of the foals saw you but stayed near their mothers. The small stallion herd retreated to a distance while the white stallion trotted around and tossed his head proudly. He stopped close to the tree you were hiding behind and was sniffing the air. This horse won't be as easy as the gray one but he is a strong and proud one. What will you do: A) Throw the rope around the horse's neck B) Stay quiet C) Back away and leave Rouge Turkey You decided it's best to go slow and careful on the log as you climbed onto it. It was rather difficult still holding a box, carrying a bag and walking as the log moved sometimes. Step by step, inch by inch you make your way across and only realize that you had some how taken a crystal. A bright pink crystal that changed to blue then purple. Still no idea where you are but you see a flicker of movement yet no vibrate so probaly just you being checked up on. As you take a step foreward however you saw a pathway with crystals on the walls on your left. It was bright but on your right was also a pathway with crystals only dark. Light or dark: A) Bright pathway B) Dark pathway Misfit flowers You try to pat the cat now that it appears calmer and eating. It tensed up but didn't run which you counted as a win. The rabbit had gotten closer and was eating the grass. Why the rabbit decided to get closer is unknown but it was watching the cat which started to purr. Thoughts: A) Keep patting cat to calm it B) Try to put the collar on it C) Let it go
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