
Edited at June 26, 2022 10:03 AM by Flamey

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Please remember that once someone claims the top post, they have 12 hours( Thank you Firefox, been awhile) to put up a sketch before someone else can claim. Unnecessary spamming will result in a warning. This is a friendly reminder. Read rules, follow them. Edited at June 26, 2022 12:55 PM by Nezdu

I don't want to correct you but it's actually 12 hours. You only have 12 hours to put up a sketch or finish the drawing.

I'm going to pop in to keep this going. I apologize for ooc; do not regard this message as any art. 12 hours was up and no art was posted, last person to post art was Lost Griffin on page 126. <3 Thank you everyone!!


ignore this message it's not art: added an animal character so hopefully someone can do it! Edited at July 6, 2022 12:15 AM by Lost_Griffin

I would add colour but I sketched this on printer paper and I fear my markers or paint would obliterate it :/


It sent again for some reason ;-; ignore Edited at July 6, 2022 03:08 AM by Raewyn
