
Saw a topic like this in the Darkseekers board so I'll share a similar one here (sorry Venn x3).
Why did you choose to become a Lightbringer? Was it random, for roleplaying purposes, for PvP, or something else?
I chose to be a Lightbringer for roleplaying and character building reasons, but ironically, that went the exact opposite, haha. Still not looking to change my allegiance anytime soon though.

I chose to be a Lightbringer because I actually thought that we were at war with Darkseekers. I wanted to be on the side of good which is hilarious because I almost always play a villian in RPs

I chose to be a Lightbringer because my pack is centered around my main OC Dash, who, while not the brightest guy, overall has a good heart. I figured he would fit in well with the Lightbringers, so that's what I chose. xP

I chose to be a light brighter because it sounded nice

I chose to be a Lightbringer because my I named my first alpha Prometheus, whose was literally a bringer of light in Greek mythology.

I chose to be a Lightbringer because my old pack name was Republic Wolf.

Cuz I did not know which one sounded more appealing, so I closed my eyes and clicked one. Yeah now Im a lightbringer.

I chose Lightbringer because it sounded like it would go with the username I chose best :)

On my other account, I am a Darkseeker, and my sister is a Netruel, so I felt like being a Lightbringer would just be nice to be a different one on each account.

I chose lightbringer because there was waaaaaay too mamy darkseekrds