
Reasons I became a lightbringer 1: humans are villians. Darkseekers are villians. I hate humans. Therefore i hate darkseekers. However, playing a villian is still always fun. 2: Neutrals sounded super boring. Now I know they win everything. They should be keeping peace! Not competing as well! 3: Imma hate going to sleep and imma little afraid of the dark hehe 4: Just looking at the choices, I knew most people were going to go for Darkseeker and Neutral so I chose Lightbringer cuz of that 5: I feel happier when im happy and lightbringers are heros which always get happy endings... Until they entered the realm of Wolfplay i guess.

I liked the appeal of light, truth, justice, and all that jazz. I was also a lightseeker on one of my old accounts, and I enjoyed it enough to return to the alliance when I came back on the game.

I'm a Lightbringer for lots of reasons XD starting with the very first second that I created my account. I saw the choice for Lightbringers and barely looked at the other options before choosing it. It fits me very well. I'm seriously one of the happiest people, and don't really like the dark. Darkness can be cool sometimes, but light always is my favorite. Also, I can't be evil even if I tried, no joke. I don't like trying to be evil anyway lol. Maybe RP a darker character, but I literally have to work hard on them. Neutral never felt appealing to me either; it was just neither dark or light. As you have just read, light is me.
And these are just a few reasons! Edited at November 27, 2018 07:13 PM by Star Runner

Just to roleplay a bit. I called my pack "Madrugada" that means "Dawn", mostly because it sounds cool to me. Dawn seems like it's bringing light, so my wolves are light bringers :)


Because I wanted to be one :V

Because I wanted to be on the right side. Light represents everything good, and I right for good. Lightbringers forever! Also, I'm a Christian, and God tells us to share His good news and light.

For me, my only options were Lightbringer, and Darkseeker. No Neutral. :( XD I chose Lightbringer because I thought that the Darkseekers were the "Bad Guys"

Yeah, I didn't get the option of neutral either. I probably chose Lightbringer because I liked the sound of spreading positivity.

I chose lightbringer because i like helping people. If someone needs some help in chat, like a maths problem, i answer if i can.