

Your wolf will always get pregnant from breeding Edited at September 29, 2019 12:02 PM by Fireblazers

What if i have 0 spots for wolves? Edited at June 28, 2021 06:22 AM by THE FEARLESS PAWS

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
If you have zero spots your wolf will give birth but the pups will wander off. You should try to have a few spots open for when your wolf gives birth to prevent losing the litter.
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1.where will they go????? 2.where will they go if they where bred by a male from another pack?????

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
They'll basically be deleted from the game, there's no way to get them back. You'll get a game message saying your pups wandered off since there was no space. Same thing will happen if you bred them with your own alphas, or bred your female to someone else's male since you have no space in your pack for the pups. You'll have to make room by retiring, free ranging, or selling your wolves. You can also buy more den space in Marketplace --> Barter --> Apples.
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One small problem........ i don't have apples

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Then you'll have to pay attention to what you're doing, like 90% of the other players.

I know how to get to the other wolves in trading post, but how do i breed my wolf with them?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
WoodlandAstrology said: I know how to get to the other wolves in trading post, but how do i breed my wolf with them?
You must have wolves that are at least 2 years old (1 year old wolves are puppies). Females can only be bred once per year and males 3 times per season. On the trading post you can check mark "for breeding" and fill in what you're looking for. You can click on the wolf you're interested in and underneath their image there's a drop down list where you can select which of your wolves you'd like to breed with them.
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