
Hi. Beneath the Chat Column, are spaces for Quests, Alliance Battles, and Challenges. What is the Challenges one all about, someone please tell me. Ocelot, Sunbear? Alligator? (Like a lot of other things) I have not seen anything on it in FAQs or Game Guide?

Every hour it will switch to three random (non-event) creatures and give them a bonus buff or debuff. For example if it says "Grizzly Bear: +2" grlizzly bears will hit for 2 extra points. If it says "Grizzly Bear: -2", they will hit for 2 less points. Unless somethings changed in the past year or so, the max amount of extra / less damage is 5.

ok thank you. i am really trying to figure all this out. I am guessing that these creatures are in the explore game? I have not seen any thing like them so far!

They are in Explore. They're the hostil creatures you sometimes encounter Since there's 6 different terrains, and in each terrain it takes quite a while to unlock everything, don't worry if you haven't seen some of them yet. You're bound to eventually when you unlock them :)
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