
Basically all you do is just post what kind of pet you want (i dont care the species) and tell me why you want him/her and the name! thats it But lets take the train to rules station! *CHOO, CHOO* *Welcome to rules station!* Rules: no innapropiate stuff no swearing (aka cussing) no being rude to other people just because of the pets they want no bulling because the name blah blah blah now...... one more thing-Nevermind, youve been waiting START POSTING!!!! ___________________________________________________________ Mavi-German Shepard-Hugo : Star :-Pomsky-Alice fun pack-Horse-Misty Vennenum-Husky-Chopper or Razor Edited at March 15, 2020 11:42 PM by Vennenum

I would love a German shepherd.
My dad had one when he was a kid. Gorgeous coat. Her name was Pippin.
I'm not sure what I would call him/her. Maybe Hugo. I like that name. Edited at May 31, 2018 04:46 PM by Mavi

Mavi said: I would love a German shepherd.
My dad had one when he was a kid. Gorgeous coat. Her name was Pippin.
I'm not sure what I would call him/her. Maybe Hugo. I like that name.
i like german shepards and i also like that name!

I dont really get this but I want a horse thats white and grayish with darkish gray spots Named:misty Gender:female
I want her because I always wanted a horse, and I think that color is beautiful Edited at May 31, 2018 07:58 PM by fun pack

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I'd like another husky. They're like potato chips. Can't ever have one. :'P It may be named Chopper or Razor. I dunno.

I want a Pitbull black or grey with blue eyes (if thats even a thing) I dont if it would be a girl or boy but I would name it Blue lol cause of the eyes.

oh, my family used to have a german shepherd that my brother named 'thor'. i'd like another german shepherd, maybe a girl this time? i might name her sif or valkyrie, because both are cool as heck.

A snek And Tibetan mastif cross

I really want a German Shepherd again. Ours died because he got sick, and he was only six at the time. He was a sweetheart, and we miss him. I've always liked German Shepherds and Great Danes. Either one, preferably a German Shepherd though

I've always wanted a wolf-dog. I know they are high maintenance and don't make great pets but a family member had a low-content wolfdog rescue who was such a sweet boy and I've always been so jealous :3 Edited at June 22, 2018 07:19 PM by Wolf~Song