
Because why not? Caos is fun.

I like the dark and stuff, I don't really like being the villian, but it said the Darkseeker packs are not always evil.

its easier to hide in the shadows...

I joined the Darkseeker because I enjoy playing the evil ones. But also because I liked the name "Darkseeker" more than "Lightbringer" or "Neutral".

I become a Darkseeker because its easier to hide in the shadows than to be in the light, and my friends think I am evil.

I am cold hearted and like to be alone. I hide in the shadows and jump out at people who pass by. When they scream I smile. The shadows are fun. Only us darkseeker know what is in them. Those who venture in... let's just say they never come out...

I chose it because i loved the backstory of Darkseekers, and something sounded unattractive about being a lightbringer and plain about being neutral. Plus it is waaaaay funner playing the villian, being good is boring.

Well for me, I chose darkseeker because it reminds me of Darth Vader which is my very first favorite character in Star Wars before Rey. And also, it matches more to a wolf since wolves are known as "monsters at the dark" (i think I read that on some part of a book).

I hate getting up in the morning, a prefer nighttime over daytime. I prefer storm clouds and pouring rain in the daytime, because the sun is so bright, but I prefer clear skies at night, because the moon and the stars are beautiful and mysterious. I also like hiding in my room for most of the day. Also, I don't want to have to be a hero, I would much rather just hide in the shadows in a forest that is dark. (had to be careful about how to say that, I'm a Warriors fan, and I had to make sure it didn't sound at all like The Dark Forest!)

It was an accident XD Im only a darkseeker by name but happy to be one