
Help! I'm new. I figured everything out the best I could but I feel like there is a LOT that I'm still missing.

I can help! I will send you a PM right now. ^^ Above person has been helped. ^^ I currently have one newbie. I am not good with breeding advice as far as genetics go. (↓) Edited at September 4, 2024 05:05 PM by Kháos

Hey all! I'm new and I frequently find myself struggling with breeding items or just getting started when it comes too producing good pups and what I should be looking for in studs.

I can definitely help you! I'll shoot you a PM meow said: Hey all! I'm new and I frequently find myself struggling with breeding items or just getting started when it comes too producing good pups and what I should be looking for in studs.

Hello! New to WP. I would like help learning how to explore to make mushrooms, and where I should be putting my wolves stat points. Also, breeding. No idea how the breeding system works LOL. Thank you for any help!

PMing you now! (Psst, somebody else please help on the breeding part. It's my weakest spot.) The Unknown said: Hello! New to WP. I would like help learning how to explore to make mushrooms, and where I should be putting my wolves stat points. Also, breeding. No idea how the breeding system works LOL. Thank you for any help! No response, never adopted but reached out to help. ^^ Edited at September 24, 2024 03:40 PM by Kháos

Help! I'm new! I've been able to figure out some of the basics of this game but there's a lot I'm still not sure on and I would love some advice. Thanks in advance!

If nobody helps you within the next 1.5 hours, I will PM you! I just have to take care of something first. ^^ As of right now, the only things I struggle with is Breeding (picking best pairs and playing with genetics to get specifics) and roleplaying. I do not roleplay and therefore have not taken the opportunity to learn how it works here. ^^
Edit: The above did not reply. I currently have zero newbies. Edited at September 24, 2024 01:39 PM by Kháos

Help! I'm new! So, basically I need help with everything. I want to RP but still not totally sure how, what to do when I'm stuck in explore, joining alliances, etc. etc. etc. (Am I doing this right? I also don't know much about replying to forum topics lol)
