Many hours went by, and Finn was starting to get agitated. He wanted to know if they were going to let them stay there. They took their weapons, and there were more of them, so he didnt know why they kept them in "jail" for so long. Finn was getting impatient, he reaked and wanted a shower, desperately. It was when the 3 hour mark hit, that the same person who brought them food came and got them. "Well see how you guys do, we have a bedroom that you guys can share." The man said, motioning them both to get up. Finn got up quickly, looking down at Grey waiting for her to get up as well. Finn swallowly thickly, trying to show no emotion but under the surface he was extremely happy. He was so grateful he was going to get to shower after all these months. Yeah, hed swim in creeks sometimes, but that water was dirt,y and he didnt have any soap. He assumed they had working water and soap, he hoped they had both.
As the hours passed, Grey was getting visibly anxious, her knee bouncing or her fingers tapping quietly against her thigh. The silence had fell between her and Finn, neither of them really knowing what to say or do, and definitely not wanting to risk a fight when their survival was at hand. Grey had nearly began to tire out when the door opened again, her head jerking up. She looked to Finn, standing up a moment after him. She was a little less secretive about her happiness and excitement, her body hopefully for a shower and rest in an *actual* bed. "Thank you. Hopefully it's not too much to ask for a shower if it's possible?" She asked, her tone a little hesitant but polite. The few people they'd seen seemed clean, at least, cleaner than they were, so she hoped that some form of cleanliness would come for them.