
Thanks back for updating the thread :D I've found more info for this (from exploring more levels up), glad to share it: FOREST Prey: Skunk (Level 20) Raccoon (Level 25) Opossum (Level 30) Hedgehow (Level 35) Beaver (Level 40) Armadillo (Level 45) Ant Eater(Level 50) Enemies: Nothing else ------------------------------ SWAMP Prey: Tapir (Level 17) Capybara (Level 19) Enemies: Caiman (Level 15) ----------------- MOUNTAINS Prey: Moose (Level 7) Beaver (Level 9) Mountain Goat (Level 11) Hyrax (Level 13) Alpaca (Level 15) Bighorn sheep (Level 17) Enemies: Cougar (Level 7) Jackal (Level 9) Mojave Green Rattler (Level 11) Leopard (Level 13) Coyote (Level 15) Black Bear (Level 17) -------------- TUNDRA Prey: Reindeer (Level 7) Snowshoe Hare (Level 7) Enemies: Nothing else Edited at March 15, 2020 02:58 PM by Dire

Omg thanks but can you add the things you can take such as hotdogs and bait bags? Edited at March 9, 2020 02:26 PM by Moonlightpath


Moonlightpath said: Omg thanks but can you add the things you can take such as hotdogs and bait bags?
Wow those are tile events. Well I don't know all of them (haven't made an excel like I did with the enemies I found first time when reached X level) but I'm sure there is other topic for tile events that you'd like to check :) ------------------ Moonlightpath said: Where is drenki
drenki? hmmm do you mean dreki?(the golden dragon creature of november event, that can be found in all terrain, even in level 1 xd)
If it's not dreki, I can't answer it, sorry.

Dire Thanks again! :D Let me go update it <3
|  |

You're welcome Aku :) | Glad to be bringing info for this helpful thread. | Well, desert would take me longer since its not my favourite terrain to explore. But someday I will encounter all NPC there let's go !

Edited at April 11, 2020 10:57 PM by Phantom Runners

Hi again here Desert seemed to be the big mush loss for exploring tiles and encountering almost nothing the first levels But after black bears the mush loss became a mush gain, and getting the info for this terrain took shorter than expected :D And I believe it should be the last update, since there is no more enemy/prey remaining (or nothing new after a few levels) Don't let forget that black bears and cheetahs are our friends in desert !
DESERT Prey: Javelina (Level 5) Gila Monster (Level 7) Rhinoceros (Level 9) Longhorn Cattle(Level 9) Jackrabbit (Level 11) Bison (Level 13) Gopher (Level 15) Bactrian Camel (Level 17) Bighorn sheep (Level 19) Enemies: Jackal (Level 5) Black Bear (Level 7) Spotted Hyena (Level 11) Cheetah (Level 13) Bobcat (Level 15) -------------- MOUNTAINS Prey: Rat (Level 19) Elk (Level 21) Enemies: Nothing else after level 17
Edited at April 12, 2020 01:51 AM by Dire

Ok but um... I forgot what a eve looks like. But this is very helpful!!!
