
(Might be gone for a bit so won't post much :])

The door slips out of my hand and I look at you for a moment. My eyes travel to your lips before I turn my head away slightly. "I'm sorry" I whisper. "I can't tell you. Not right now it's just. I can't. Not right now. I cant tell you." I look up at you. "You know you closed the door on yuki so now she's outside all alone right?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

I look away and walk to the kitchen." Yeah ok let her inside." I say to you a little anger in my tone. I clench the counter and close my eyes trying to find my calm place but flashbacks pop in my head flashbacks I never wanted to have flashbacks about my parents how they died

I open the door letting yuki back inside. I walk over to you and wrap my arms around your waist and kiss your neck. "I'm sorry baby" I say gently against your skin.

I relax a bit and open my eyes clearing the flashbacks out of my mind." It's okay. I'm also sorry sweetheart I never meant to say I was sleeping on the couch. I just feel like your keeping something from me and I don't want to be the only one telling you the truth." I lean back into you

"I know I'm sorry. I don't mean to it's just I can't right now and I need you to understand that. Especially because I don't want to hurt you anymore right now. In due time you will find out I promise." I say and give you another kiss

I pull away from your kisses and look at Fire." Let's go." I say to you and hold your hand picking you up and flying through the window." If you won't tell me that's fine." I say through gritted teeth

"I hate flying put me down" I say in protest. I don't actually hate flying. I love it when I decide to and when I'm flying myself not having someone carry me through the air. I grit my teeth as I wait for you to lower me to the ground wondering if you would or if you'd just drop me. No big deal if you did. I can bring out my wings and save myself.

"Whatever you say sweetheart." I grin and fly down wards and set you down onto the pavement and fly up again looking down at you the whole time while flying inside

My eyes narrow as you set me down and fly off. I raise and eyebrow questioningly but shrug it off. Slinking into the shadows of a nearby ally, I shift into a blue wolf dog before going and scratching at your front door.