
I fly back to my house and change into a shirt with slits on the back for my wings. I turn on the TV waiting for you to get back here seeing when I was flying that you were coming this way

I open the door and let yuki go before walking over to you. I sit on the couch next to you and lay my head on your shoulder. "Everything OK?" I ask worry clear in my voice.

"Everything's fine. Just stuff." I say and lean back continuing to watch TV not paying much attention to you not wanting you to know what actually going on.

I sigh and get up to go put the food in the fridge and grab us some drinks. I come back to the couch with drinks in hand and give you one as I sit down again.

I take it and open it." Thanks. Would you be mad at me or upset at the world if I told you something you don't want to hear?" I ask you and smile slightly trying to look happy and not sad

I look at you confused for a moment. "I guess that all depends on what it is." I say cautiously

"What if I told you I can never go back to earth? What if I told you that I have to go back to hel?" I ask you wincing a bit at the mention of hel." What if I told you that you can't come back with me unless your a consort?"

I look at you even more confused. "What are you talking about? What do you mean?" I ask worry in my voice. Tears welling in my eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat and blink away the tears that threaten to spill.

"I'm saying that they want me to come back early. They want me to stay there not on earth. They don't want me to bring anyone back unless I'm married to them. I mean that if you aren't married to me I might as well be nothing to you anymore. You'll never see me again." I whisper the last part and stand up letting the news sink in and I walk upstairs

I wipe the few tears that have spilt and follow you up stairs. "Then let's go get married now. That is if you want to." The thought of losing you beating it's way into my skull. The thoughts becoming unbearable.