
Lorcan said "It is." He was happy to be by Fredan and Humphrey as he look at the sky and felt peaceful. Abraham said "You don't need to thank me. I just want to make sure that you are happy." He smiled and kiss her cheek.

" Im always happy, my King. Now that we can supposrt a family. I want us to be happy" she kissed him back " A little longer, boys. Then off to bed."

Abraham said "I am glad that you are happy." He smiled but he soon stop smiling as he kept thinking about what had happened. He whispered "My Queen, I keep having nightmares about what happened." Lorcan nodded as he was waiting.

" Lorcan dear.. take the twins home would you? I need alone time with Abraham" Amber said looking up at him " COme on boys, down you get. And Lorcan? Make sure they are asleep before we get home." The twins whined " We arent even tired, mother" But looking a tthe face of their mother, told them to get down. And they did. Amber chuckled " Come on dear. Might as well talk. "

Lorcan nodded and said "Alright. I will have them in bed and make sure that they are sleeping." He took the twins home and was calm. Abraham look at her and said "Ok. But I am not sure where to start." He look at her as he was happy that she was safe along with their baby. Abraham look at her and felt a little bit safe. He was unsure of where to start.

" Baby, listen to me." Amber begam " You didnt know it would callapse. Nor did I. Im hapy the twins didnt do any deeper than they did. You saved us, dear. We have to keep each other sfe, no matter the cost." Serenity was asleep in Ambers arms. " And now we both have to take turns looking after this little one. Sothat no one gets sad or upset."

Abraham look at her as he understood. He said "I will always keep my family out of harm's way. I don't want to loose anyone in my family at all." He kiss her cheek and look at Serenity as he said "I will always keep you and our kids safe from harm no matter what happens." He was telling the truth as he would keep her and the kids safe.

" Good. Come on.. lets get home." she turned them around and strolled slowly back to the house. It was dark, so she hoped the twins were asleep.

Abraham nodded and kept following her. He shifted into his jaguar werewolf form to see better in the dark. He look at Amber and ask "when we get home, could I have a hug?" He always asked for a hug when they would be walking home.

" Of course, baby. Anything you want" Amber said stroking his fur. They reached the house an hour later. " Lorcan, dear? The twins asleep yet?"