
Abraham ask "What do you want me to do? Get you to the hosptial? Call Albie?" He was not sure what to do. He look at her worried as he wanted to help. {Its ok}

"It's too late for the hospital, dear. " she said

Abraham said "Sorry. I can help you though." He look up at her.

Amber " have the twins stay up stairs.. but maybe bring Albie and ALexandra ans see if they can.. help. " Amber said with a strain

Abraham said "Oh Ok." He went and got Alexandra and Albie to help. Abraham did not stay around as he went upstairs. He thought *The park ranger trained me in this and now I don't even get to help.* He laid down on the floor upstairs. Albie and Alexandra said "We will help you."

Amber was sweating " I cant last much longer." she said

Alexandra held her hand and said "Its ok. Albie will help you with the baby." Albie was ready and he nodded. Abraham sighed as he felt like he was not much help. He wanted to cry.

The twins heared what was going on and wanted to comfort Amber. But they knew they had to stay in the room." will momma be ok?" Amber tried her best.

Abraham went inside the room and closed the door. Abraham said "Your mother will be ok." He knew that no one wanted to comfort him. Soon there was a baby crying and Albie managed to get the baby. He handed the baby to Amber.

Amber held her daughter gently in her arms " Abraham, Lorcan, boys. Come meet Serenity." she said with a smile. She looked at Albie " Thank you." Edited at September 28, 2021 07:48 AM by LunarOrbitPack