
Judy saud "yes you will be ok. However your father might not be ok. We will have to keep him over night to make sure that he will be ok. But he will be ok tomorrow." Abraham look at them as he was unsure of what was going to happen next. He was scared since Amber was not there.

" Archie... take back the poison.. please... my husband will die! im begging you" Archie chuckled " on one condition. You work for me til one of your children leaves the home for ever and starts a family of their own. ( this is the same guy from when serenity was taken hehe) baby... i dont know if I will be able to come to the hospital.... something came up.. she said to him through her mind

Abraham respond * I don't think that I can come home. The doctor thinks the poison has spread though my whole body.* he felt like Amber did not need him any more. He laid down in the hospital bed refusing to talk to doctors. Judy said "its worst than I thought." She was watching Abraham who seem not wanting to move from the hospital bed. Edited at November 18, 2021 11:51 AM by Werewolf

of course I want you, Abraham. I just need to find a cure.. Archie just is not letting me go anywhere. Let one of the boys come find me Serenity looked at her father " dad... you arent gonna die.. let mother figure this out. I know she can do it"

Abraham said "I know that I am not going to die. But the poison is slowly hurting me. Tell one of your brothers to find your mother please." He closed his eyes as he was in pain. He was fighting back tears but he knew that he would not see Amber yet . Abraham turn on his side to face the wall as tears rolled down his face. Abraham opened his eyes as he was starting to feel ok and he look at everyone. He gave a weak smile since he was unsure of what was going to happen next. Abraham respond *The pain hurts. I love you Amber..* Edited at November 18, 2021 01:30 PM by Werewolf

Finally....after two painful hours with Archie, Amber finally was able to rush to the hospital, along with one of her sons. " thank you for the help, son" she said as they got into the hosptital room and Amber walked tot he bed, seeing Abraham sleeping on his side " My King... " she whispered " everything will be ok." she said kneeling in front of him, with a smile.

Abraham woke up and saw Amber. He said "My Queen." He was happy to see her. Abraham look worst than he did before but he was trying to hide the pain. Judy was running some test and she was unsure of what was happening. Judy knew that they had to help Abraham but she was unsure of how. Judy knew that shifters could handle anything but she was unsure about how they handle poison. Abraham ask "How are you my Queen?" He look like he wanted to cry but he could not. Edited at November 18, 2021 10:54 PM by Werewolf

" Abraham... you will get through this" she said calmly " you remember that figure on the water? that was an old friend of mine who wanted me dead years ago. He refused to tell me where i could find the healing potion for the poison" she then took out a red vile " this is it right here... but its really old. I dont know if it will even work. I wope it does" The three kids can in and stood by the door. Amber stood up and looked at his sister " help me with this. I need him on his back and as still as possible. this may burn him a little bit"

Judy look at her and said "alright." She got Abraham on his back and she was making sure that he was ok. Abraham was scared of what was going to happen but he was calm as he was waiting. Judy was waiting as she knew that Abraham would fall asleep after this. Abraham was watching Amber and he said "I am ready." He was staying still as possible. Abraham knew that he was safe but he never had to deal with a healing potion.

amber sighed as she walked to him and layed the vile against his lips " im sorry my King.. its gonna sting " Serenity notised her shaking and went tohelp steady her hand " easy there mom.. " The vile nnow empty, Amber sat back against the wall her head in her lap