
Abraham kept scratch his arm as he listened to Amber. He ask "Are we going to be ok or do we have to see a doctor?" He look at her as he was unsure of what was going to happen to them. Abraham was really scared about everything and he look at Amber.

" you guys go on to the doc.. I have some unfinishd business to do with an old friend" Amber said kissing each of them " Go.. 'll.. ill be fine"

Abraham look at her and said "Oh ok." He took the kids to the doctor. He let them go first but he was still scratching his arms. He look scared almost like he had seen a ghost.

( a new oc is about to come lol) Amber called out to them searching all over " Why have you done this to me and my family?" she said stepping into the water. She began to glow, her hidden powers emerging The kids sighed since the were worried about their mother " Dad... whats gonna hapen to mom? Is something the matter? "

Abraham said "I am not sure. I have no idea." He was telling the truth. He look at them as he was worried about Amber. He knew that the kids would never like him or even worry about him. He had to remain strong. {I might be adding a new oc soon. This character might be someone Abraham knows.}

Amber looked out as she then began to see a shape on the water... a long long time ago this shape was friends with her as a child but grew in hatred of her because of how 'special ' she was. long time no see Archie Amber called to him why are you doing this... why now

Abraham saw someone from his past and he said "No way." He look surprised as the figure walk to him. This figure was Abraham's sister. Abraham said "Hello Sister." The figure smiled and said "Hey Brother." She was happy. Abraham said "Kids, This is my sister named Judy." He look at the kids. Judy said "Hello there." She was a doctor who was going to check on them.

Serenity was the bravest of the three kids " Hi, Jusdy.. im Serenity.. these two idiots are my twin brothers"( forgot them now lolll ) Now because its pay back time was all archie said

Judy said "Nice to meet you Serenity. Its great to meet Abraham's kids. " Abraham smiled as he listened to her. Judy said "Lets get you all taken care of since I am sure that you want to be back home." Judy look at them and smiled.

Amber faught with Archie for hours trying to make a deal. But it just didnt go anywhere Serenity and her twin brothers were able to get checked " will we be ok? Mother said it was poison" Serenity said looking at Judy