
Abraham saw the twins and smiled. He was waiting for Amber and Serenity. Abraham was unsure if something was wrong or not but he decided not to ask Amber as he was unsure if she would want to talk to him. Abraham saw Serenity and ask "Ready to have a fun day at the beach?"

" You bet bad" Serenity said giving him a kiss on the cheek before grinning " the last one in is a rotten egg" she said, running towards the water, her twins just behind her. Amber closed her eyes, before slowly getting out of the car, and towards the beach. She saw them racing to the water and she gave out a chuckle.

Abraham began to run after them. He was running past them since he was taller but he was unsure if they wanted to win. Abraham got into the water and look at them. He said "the water feels nice." He began to swim around.

Amber just watched them on the beach not wanting to let them loose their time with thir father. " You kids have fun. I'll just...stay here. "

Abraham look at her and felt sad that she was not going to be joining them. He watched her almost like he was wishing she would join them. Abraham was thinking about something.

Serenity stopped and looked at her mother before walkign to her " mom.. what is it? is something the matther?" " No child. Everything is fine. Go on an have fun" Amber said with a weak smile " Ill join you shortly."

Abraham got out of the water and h e went to Amber. He kiss her cheek as he felt like something was wrong. He ask "do you need a hug my Queen?" He look at her again as he was unsure of what was wrong.

" A hug would be great, My King." Amber said with a smile " I just.. dont know whats going on.. I feel like something is wrong, but cant put my head around what the problem is.. It could be the water..."

Abraham gave her a hug and he was unsure of what was going to happen. He began to scratch his arm as he was feeling itchy. Abraham said "I am itchy. I think it is the water." He look at her.

" Kids.. come on out of the water please." Amber said " But mother.. we.." they complained " I said get out.." They got out and se stood up ,walking to it.. trying to see what was wrong. " its been poisoned...."