
Abraham smiled and he went to the kitchen. He cut the cake. He began to get the plates out and put cake on the plates. He began to take the plates out to the living. He gave a plate each to everyone except for himself as he could only carrying so many plates. He returned to the kitchen.

The kids said thank you before digging into the cake they were givin. Amber slowly ate hers, eyes on Abraham.

Abraham look back at Amber. He was relax but his mind kept replaying everything that had happened. He sat down on the floor as he was trying to think about something happy.

Serenity stopped eating and walked and sat beside her father " Whats wrong, dad?" she asked rudding his back " Im sorry for what happened to me... I.. at least im home. Back to where I belong"

Abraham said "stuff keeps replaying in my head. I am happy that you are home." He wanted the stuff to stop replaying in his head. He look at her as he was trying to feel calm.

" Rememer that tea I have in that cubboard, My King? The one with Lemon and Honey? I can add mint to it and see how things go?" Amber said looking at him

Abraham said " Tea sounds good right now." He look at Amber and gave her a bear hug. He was trying to feel safe but everything only kept replaying in his mind.

" I promise this tea will help you" AMber said hugging him back " Its helped me in the past' She went into the kitchen and prepared the tea when the twins came home from school

Abraham was trying to figure out what to do next. He said "Thank you for the tea." He was calm as he was sitting on the chair. Abraham was starting to think about something else which helped him relax.

" You are very welcome, my King" Amber said sitting beside him " You know I want to help you forget about the past. "