
Abraham hugged her and said "I will be here to find her. I promise that our family will always be together." He gave her another hug and tried to make sure that she was ok. He had finished training the dragon which meant that he would be able to find Serentiy and would be able to bring her back home. He look at her and kiss her cheek.

" thank you babe. I dont know what I would have done without you" she said kissing him back and hugged him " I tdont know if you will need the twins, but it would be good to have backup." she thought out loud, looking at him with a smile " unless you would want Lorcan."

Abraham said "I would need backup but I am not sure but just in cause. I will ask the twins and if needed I will ask Lorcan. I am sure Albie and Alexandra will stay here with you just in case. I love you and I know how much we need our family to stay together." He kiss her back. He pick her up and felt calm.

SHe held him in her arms, not wanting the moment to end " I wish I could come with you, Abraham. But I cant be of much help other than telling you that she would be taken away." she looked down at the thought, when the twins came back home " mom? have you seen Serenity? We need her help on a school project" Amer looked at Fredan " No.. I havent." Then eyed Abraham " its begun, love. Take the boys with you. And be very careful. This will not be easy." " What are you talking about mother?" Humphrey asked putting his school bag down on the kitchen table. Amber sighed but couldnt tell them. She looked at Abraham " you tell them whats going on" Edited at October 10, 2021 11:27 AM by Empress of Evil

Abraham said "Your sister has been taken now. Your mother has seen it. Now we must go and find her. I will have to use my dragon side in order to make this trip. We need to get Serenity back. I will go now as I want to make sure to find the right path to follow. I will miss you My queen." He kiss her hand as he went outside and shifted into his dragon form. He flew up towards the sky and saw someone carrying Serenity away. He began to follow them as he wanted to make sure that his daughter was returned home. He was unsure if the twins were following him or not.

The twins looked at each other before giving her a hug and then shifted into their tiger and werewolf form and ran after Abrahams dragon form " Keep an on eye our sister" one said usung his telepathy. " Father!" Serenity yelled as she was taken to a tower 100 feet up into the sky and locked in. There was a window but it was enchanted. But she didnt know how to break it. Fredan then stopped beside Humphrey lookeing at the draogn that was Abraham fly around the tower after the theif disappeared into the shadows. " Can you find a way to save her, dad?" Fredan asked

Abraham said "I have a way to help her but it will be dangerous." He landed and said "I will need some help. Both of you hop on my back as I will need help with the plan." He put the twins on his back and flew up to the tower's window. He saw Serenity and began to try to break the window. He growled almost like he knew how to break it. He began to use his magic that he had learned when he was younger. He managed to break the window and he said "We got you Serenity." He reached his dragon claw almost like he was telling Serenity to take his hand.

" Father.. I... cant Im sorry" Serenity said stepping from the window, clearly scared " Serenity.. you need to trust him, and us on this. You cant stay here forever... Mother prophecy never said anything about being bond to this life. You can be free from it" Fredan said getting off his father dragons form's back and went into the room, looking at his sister " Fredan.. no.. please.. you have to go. " she said turning away She knew her powers were growing stronger " You have to go. I dont want to hurt you" Fredan sighed and climbed back onto th dragons back " come on.. "

Abraham said "Great, Now I have nothing." He left almost like he hated to be there. He landed and got the twins off of his back and he flew away again. He was hurt by what Serenity had said. He said "I have no daughter now." He need to be alone now. He had left the twins at the house that Amber was in. Abraham sighed as he look up at the sky. He said "Serenity is just like my mother."

Fredan and Humphrey had to get her back. Somehow. " come on, Humphrey.. Its our job to get her back. Father loves her. If we dont get her back, he will never forgive himself or us.. And mother will be disapointed. " You are absolutely right, Fredan" his twin said. The decided to go back to the tower and do what they had to do.