
Nope! Not worth it. IMO. But... some small lore;  I'll let y'all guess what kind of lore. (C)85543
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Gjfgdkjg understandable! XD - Ooooh lore nom nom! This is a very cute lore, thanks for the treat Nymph. :3 Or should I say Ziv now? Vix? Vixia? You got a preference? :0

Not really ,anything works tbh.
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It's a good thing there's no ref sheet yet. Isolde's facial markings have changed in every single image.  But I finally saved her color palette. This one will eventually make it into my bio. Eventually. (c)85543
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Lol, changing details (mostly unintentionally) from image to image is a mood, and something I do grievously often. XD But yay! A saved color palette! Good for Isolde. :3

But it's okay, Mar'Jean doesn't have a ref either. Mother Death (i don't remember if... i shared her before or not...) but, MD chiding a younger Creatorialian.  And then a sleepy vibe;  Alll done by (C)85543
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Ah, lol, poor Mar'Jean. XD Oooh Mother Death, huh? And Creatorialian is a mouthful hahaha What a good sleepy vibe. :3

Aaannddd art dump.
We have 2 new additions; Sammy and Ren Ren the dragon was a character I bought/adopted/etc. a while ago. Never found a use for till now. And the second addition; Odette and Stygian  The Seniors of the group.
you'll notice that Mar's harness and saddle have aspects of both Sammy (reins for Ren) and Odette's harness. (Bc who doesn't love almost flying off a dragon at high rates of speed to fire lightning arrows?) AAND all together with that one scene from before we get a night patrol; As always; (c)85543
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... will likely never color this.  Uploading it to TH is a nightmare though. Six character, six buttons. Alll the same process. Haha... >.> But, in the non-coloring spree, I decided to go for some F2U line-art base thing. I think it's a fox?  It's up on DeviantArt. Shrugs (c)85543 Edited at April 14, 2023 12:01 AM by Zivixia
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