
*she grabbed her work in progress and worked on it* (kinda wanna make some drama, think i should bring her aunt into this?)

(Yeah) Sylvester yawned as he watched the lightning flash in the distance.

(alright) *she sighed then her ears, which were out, along with her tail, perked up and after listening for a sec and simply whispered* Shiz

His tail flicked in confusion as he narrowed his eyes, barely glancing up at her.

*she sighed and said* remember when i told you about my past, how i didn't want to talk about it? well, theres a reason *sighs then explains her background in gambaling fights and how her aunt forced her to fight since she's really powerful, after she finishes* that's why i came here, to escape her, but she might have found me

He looked at her with a shocked expression. "That...sounds terrible-" He said, trailing off.

*closes her eyes and says* yeah, don't get me wrong, i love my powers, but i don't like hurting people with them, unless they deserve it, and i'm not power hungrey, i'm content with mine, but my aunt on the other hand, well, she's the exact opposite, she has little to no power and she hates that, she always wants more, and she'll use anyone and anything to get it, even her own niece *debates saying more but is unsure*

He saw that she was clearly hesitant to say more. "Yea. Anyways, if you don't want to share more, that's okay too."

yeah, i appreciate you listening to me rambling, i do that once in a while *her ears pricked up again, and for a moment he could see the way she did, a faint form on the edge of the clearing, then it faded and she shook her head muttering something*

He sighed again as he wrapped his tail around himself. Not replying.