
Christmas Art Shop :) Hello Hello again :) Welcome all, Merry Christmas everyone :) Welcome to another lil art shop, at this stage gonna be open throughout the whole of December, Just note I do work full time and will be spending Christmas with my family too so I may not be 100% active during those times but I will do my best :) Rules - Always credit, please (As below unless stated otherwise)
- Don't steal please, just don't
- Please fill out the provided form :)
- Simplistic OCs only for animations. No tons of teeny stripes or leopard spots etc. (If you're unsure just order anyway and I'll let you know)
- Max of five art pieces per order, can order as many times as you want but give others a chance to order (so like wait a day or something before putting the next in)
- No line changes, not adding gear etc sorry
Notices - Happy to provide proof of my subscription to Red for the lines if needed
- May add more lines depending on what Red releases for Advent this year (I'm so excited) :)
- Payment Options:
- Mush - 50-100mush per frame (You can choose the price between those) :)
- Art Trade - recently my baby girl, Cassy passed away, she was 15 years old, and so would love some art of her (no rules, any sketches, art, painting, traditional, whatever) Link to her Postimg for reference - will cover a whole order if you want
- Link to this year's postimg, here you can see the full sizes and download yours, they'll be labelled by your pack number
- Your order will be posted once completed so keep an eye on the forum, I won't be pming them sorry (Just makes it easier for me to reply to your form with your completed order, then its all in one place)
- Apples: 1apple = 800mush
Form Pack Number: OC: Animation Wanted: Animation Options: (If needed, e.g. Pointed ears or fluffy tail) Extra Colours: (e.g. Santa hat: red with white fluff, Candy Cane: Green and red) If you leave blank I will do my own Christmassy colours Price (Mush): Payment Option: Mush/Art/Apple etc. Edited at December 5, 2024 11:24 PM by TeaBear
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Available :) Gingerbread Bikkies Frames: BC: 11 | Bird: 15 | C: 13 Options: Big Cat (With or without mane) | Bird | Canine (Pointy or Floppy Ears) Colours: Emotes Frames: (These aren't animated) cost same as 1 frame per emote Options: Canine (1-12) | Feline (1-3) Notes: Any design difficulty really, can be complex designs as they're not animated, Cats: 1 is the top, 2 is bottom left, 3 is bottom right, Will come separate not in a sheet as shown above Dancey Dance Frames: BC: 4 | C: 4 Options: Big Cat (With or without Mane) | Canine (Floppy or Pointy Ears) Present Delivery Frames: 6 Options: Normal or Fluffy Empty Stockings :( Frames: 13 Options: Floppy or Pointy Ears Happy Dance Frames: BC: 8 | C: 12 Options: Big Cat (without Mane) | Canine Santa Hat Frames: BC: 6 | C: 6 Options: Big Cat (without Mane) | Canine Inside the Tree  Frames: 11 (Has 28 total, but only 11 have the character) Lollies Frames (this is per character): H: 17 | C: 18 | BC: 20 Options: Equine (Long mane or Short Mane) | Canine (Pointy or Floppy ears) | Big Cat (With or without mane) Notes: This only counts as one piece even though there's two characters :) , Please state which is left and which is right (in the options section; e.g. bob on the left with canine pointy ears and carl on the right with floppy) Rockin' Round the Tree Frames: BC: 10 | F: 28 | C: 9 Options: Big Cat | Feline | Canine Dashing Through The Snow Frames: 8 Options: Normal or Fluffy Running Frames: BC: 4 | F: 7 | Reindeer: 7 | Kirin: 6 Options: Big Cat | Feline | Raindeer | Kirin Scrolling BG's  Frames: 1: 12 | 2: 12 | 3: 12 Options: 1-3 Notes: Used for Running and Sledding, Just be patient with me I've not done a lot of bg work so If I can't get them to work I will take this down sorry, but hopefully I can get it sorted :) I just haven't had a go yet. Add this into the options part of your form :) Sledding     Frames: F: 8 | H: 4 | Raptor: 6 | C: 5 Options: Feline (Normal or Fluffy) | Horse | Raptor | Canine Playing in the Snow   Frames: H: 24 | F: 25 Options: Horse | Feline Fireplace Frames: 1 (I think it is 5 for the BG but will only cost 1 per character) Options: Pick whatever still line you wish of Red's :) Notes: Either pick a line from their DA or you can just ask me to see what I can find (i.e husky, kitten etc.)(they do have Patreon exclusive bases too), I can probably do multiple OC's too just do 1 Frame per line for the price :) and only still bases, not animated ones please :) Prints In The Snow Frames: Hooves: 16 | Paws: 16 Edited at December 14, 2024 03:42 AM by TeaBear
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Orders (no limit, other than five pieces per order, can be five different oc's or all the same whichever) Key: NP: Not paid P: Paid NS: Not Started IP: In Progress C: Completed Payment is listed in frames :) Page number | Orderer | Payment Info | Status | 1 | Wolf Pride - #265679 | 37 | P (2300m) | C | The Tea Drinkers - #292725 | 20 | NP | C | Inferno Abyss - #259489 | 56 | P (free) | C | Wolves019 - #316409 | 47 | NP | NS | 2 | Graywing - #309270 | 77 | P | NS | Kai 284631 | 12 | NP | NS | Urux 315026 | 1 | NP | NS | Swamp_Monster 249781 | 35 | NP | NS | Nox 158234 | 24 | NP | NS | TheCuteHuskyPack 299820 | 52 | P | NS | 3 | Dont Fear The Reaper 220404 | 6 | NP | NS | distant-lands 304085 | 9 | NP | NS | T2Grave 318064 Bears Creek | 28 | P (3xAp) | NS | Moonlight wolf 304773 | 4 | NP | NS | Accerbus. 185486 | 4 | NP | NS | 4 | High Hills Pack 255850 | 72 | NP | NS | StarDarc 316951 | 31 | P | NS | Edited at December 22, 2024 09:36 PM by TeaBear
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Completed Orders (The shown ones here arent full size, I think you can click them to see full size though, but full size is in the postimg) Personal - #311414 - #265679 - #292725 - #259489 - Edited at December 22, 2024 08:40 PM by TeaBear
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Completed Orders Here (extra space if needed) Edited at November 28, 2024 12:56 AM by TeaBear
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Hello, I was wondering how much mush an apple would be worth? I love your animations, they look amazing!

Pack Number: 265679 OC: Pmimg Animation Wanted: Happy Dance, Inside the Tree, Unwrapping, Rockin Around the Tree, Sledding Animation Options: (If needed, e.g. Pointed ears or fluffy tail) Canine Floppy Ears Extra Colours: Christmassy Colors if possible Price (Mush): probably around 1000 Payment Option: Mush/Art/Apple etc.: Mush
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He might be complicated, but its worth a shot :D Pack Number: 292725 OC: Animation Wanted: lollies, inside the tree, sledding Animation Options: (If needed, e.g. Pointed ears or fluffy tail) always pointed ears :D Extra Colours: anything christmaassy Price (Mush): probably around 500 Payment Option: Mush/Art/Apple etc. mushies Edited at December 1, 2024 06:10 PM by The Tea Drinkers

Pack Number: 259489 OC: Animation Wanted: 1.Happy Dance 2. Dashing through the snow (background would be nice but not required!) 3. Running 4. Playing in the Snow 5. Santa Hat Animation Options: (If needed, e.g. Pointed ears or fluffy tail) 1.Canine 2. Normal 3. I know he's a deer but if you could do him as a Kirin? 4. Horse with mane 5. Canine Extra Colours: (e.g. Santa hat: red with white fluff, Candy Cane: Green and red) If you leave blank I will do my own Christmassy colours Up to you for all of them <3 Price (Mush): Some of them don't say how many frames they have so I went ahead and added them all as 12 frames each. So around 6000 mush :') Payment Option: Mush/Art/Apple etc. Apples (800 mush per apple work? Will probably give a tip as well, I didn't mean to do 5 at once but these guys are too cute.) <3
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Pack Number: 316409 OC: Playing in the Snow and Sledding for Spartan (with a background if possible!) Rockin Round the Tree and Lollies for Night Animation Options: Normal feline for Spartan Pointed ears and canine for Night Extra Colours: Random Christmas colors for everything! Price (Mush): 1000 mush? Payment Option: Mush