
Makato said: How did you guys chose your usernames, and what do they mean?
My original pack name was "Cún", after my pack mascot, who can be seen in my avatar 85% of the time lol. However, after a year or so with the name I found myself disliking it a lot, moreso after becoming a mod and everyone could see my name. So i famously went through a few rapid-fire usernames before remaining my OC to "Ciúin", which means "calm" or "quiet" in Irish. :)
Primal Silence said: Who are the youngest and oldest mods in age?
Not 100% sure on this one, but I believe most of the mods are between the ages of 16-30-ish.

Makato said: How did you guys chose your usernames, and what do they mean?
I was fed up of my old username because people kept making jokes about it. So I decided to change it.
I knew I wanted something to do with blue. So I of course just went through google translate and eventually tried Turkish. Blue in Turkish is Mavi. And for some reason I just really liked that, so I decided to change to it. I've had this as my name for 2 years or so now? I still love it.
I also use Marvellous Mavi? I'm not sure why, I just liked the sound of the 2 words together. Even though I am far from Marvellous :(

How often do you see rule breaking in one day?

Bear Claw said: How often do you see rule breaking in one day?
It really depends on the day. At least once a day. :)

Question for Ciúin the answerer to most of my questions :p- Is it weird to look back on this Q&A forum and see the other mods answer your questions back when you weren't a mod?

Bubbs said: Question for Ciúin the answerer to most of my questions :p- Is it weird to look back on this Q&A forum and see the other mods answer your questions back when you weren't a mod?
Yeah, it's mad. I look back on all the forums I used to post in and all the questions in this thread and I just think, God, I've come so far. It's almost surreal. xD Thank you for the interesting question!

Makato said: How did you guys chose your usernames, and what do they mean?
Akugitsune means 'Evil Fox' in Japanese based off of the nine tailed kitsune from my edgy 13 year old days xD 328 is just my birthday haha For this holiday nickname I think my mental process was something along the lines of: Icicle Popsicle Pakucicle ^^; Edited at December 19, 2019 08:31 PM by Kitsune Pakucicle
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Bear Claw said: When you become a mod, can you no longer role play in the forums and such? Asking because I've never seen a mod in a role play xp
I only do 1 x 1 right now so... *^* I sorta started role playing after I became a mod since I became more familiar with the rules and stuff from modding xD
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What made you want to be mods? Stopping those annoying people you see, just wanting to be powerful (i hope neither of those) or being the knights in shining armor WP needed... or something like that?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I wanted to become a mod since I joined and started to actively play. I wanted to help the site grow and help keep the peace amongst the site by being a mod and making sure people understood the rules as most of the time, the reason people break the rules is because they don't understand them.
Ive been playing WP since 2014 and only started on the mod team a year ago, so it was a long time dream. I'm also easily the strictest mod in terms of the rules and players breaking them, but I never mean to be malicious when I'm reminding others of the rules.
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