
If you help with the death script, do people ever get mad at you for making their wolves die?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
We have absolutely no control over death script. Our wolves die to it just like everyone else's.
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If you could be a different mod, who would you be and why?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
That's a really odd question to ask, something I actually have never thought about. I'd say Vennenum though, because I want her dog, Hachi.
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Game Moderator Darkseeker
Stop trying to steal my dog. xD

When you become a mod, can you no longer role play in the forums and such? Asking because I've never seen a mod in a role play xp

Desti is RPing 1x1 in the forums currently. ^^

Game Moderator Darkseeker
We roleplay just like everyone else :)
If you don't see us often roleplaying, it's usually because we're always super busy or we're super picky with our partners :p
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Game Moderator Neutral
Mistress Nyx said: We roleplay just like everyone else :)
If you don't see us often roleplaying, it's usually because we're always super busy or we're super picky with our partners :p
Basically this XD
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Game Moderator Darkseeker
I am very, very picky with my roleplays, so I hardly roleplay on WP at all.
There is actually a very inactive mod roleplay that you're welcome to read. It just... hasn't been posted in for almost a year.