
The Amethyst As the lil' girl drank the milk, her tail wagging, you grabbed your leash and collar. You carefully reach out to the doeling, the collar in your hand. She is intent on the milk, so she doesn't care as you clip the collar around her neck and attach the leash to it. She's almost done the milk. A. Wait for her to finish drinking B. Take bottle away from her C. Coax her to jump down, then feed her while you walk towards the buckling.


Pack Name/Number: Wolves019/316409 Items: All the previous items I bought + I'll buy one more Leash and Collar Discount(s): 20% off (New Pack) Payment: 16 mush? (Discount added) Other: N/A

The Amethyst You gently take the bottle away from her, then put it above the ground. She seems a bit wary for a moment, but you gently tug on her leash. The gray doeling jumps down, then starts to drink the milk again. You walk as she drinks, her tail wagging happily as she gets down to the last drops. You reach the gate of the fenced area of the barn and see the Brown Buckling laying down on the other side. A. Open the gate and lead the doeling through B. Pick the doeling up and go over the fence

Wolves019 said: Pack Name/Number: Wolves019/316409 Items: All the previous items I bought + I'll buy one more Leash and Collar Discount(s): 20% off (New Pack) Payment: 16 mush? (Discount added) Other: N/A
Alright! I'll start your interactive in a moment You have: Leash and Collar (x2) Bottle Of Milk (Uses: 2) Second-Cut Hay (Unlimited Uses) and you'll have 3 leashes and collars after getting this one :)

Wolves019 After choosing your items, you walk along the path to the goat pasture. Loud bleating fills the air as you notice there is a door on the barn you could enter, so you wonder whether to go to the gate or barn, listening as well, trying to figure out which place has more goats. The barn appears to be more quiet, or maybe it's just the walls keeping in the noise. The fence seems to go on forever, and barking sounds in the distance. You went to the fence last time, should you go there again? A. Gate/Fence B. Barn


Wolves019 You decide to go to the barn this time, opening the door as you arrive. You walk inside, drowning out some of the goat bleats. Lots of hay is stacked against one wall, and to your other side you see a wood fence, then a gate into the fence. Light filters in from a few windows, letting you see a wall blocking half of the fence area off, a few beams of light flowing past the wall. You assume the half-wall blocks the sunlight from the goat entrance to the barn, maybe it has a few other purposes. No time to worry about that, though. You cannot see any goats, and a few bleats come from farther in the barn, and a few bleats can be heard from the other side of the wall in the fenced area. Where do you go? A. Fenced area B. Farther inside barn


Wolves019 You walk over to the fenced area and peer into the fence. Shelves line a side of the barn in the area. The sound of the gate could alert the goats you're here and they may run or come to you. Climbing the wood fence is silent. Do you A. Climb Fence B. Open gate