
StarDarc You go down the path to the gate, open the gate and go inside the pasture. You shut the gate and latch it before looking out into the soft grass covered hills. You walk up one of the hills, then spy three different areas. A rocky area, more hills and then a flat area. You hear bleating coming from all directions. A few barks as well. A. Rocks B. Hills C. Flat


StarDarc You decide to follow the hills, and walk down the one you're on, walking to the another. Bleats fill the air, followed by slightly louder barking. You look around once you get to the top, seeing nothing so far. You have a good view, though. There are three hills in front of you. The first one seems to be very small, the middle one was steep but tall, and the last one was steep and short. A. Small Hill B. Steep & Tall C. Steep & Short D. Stay and watch from the hill you're on


The Amethyst The doeling's ears perk up and she looks at you. She stays where she is, not seeming afraid but not too interested in you. You could reach her from here, what do you do? A. Wait B. Reach your hand towards her and pet her C. Get out Bottle Of Milk and offer it to her D. Get out Leash and Collar E. Leave her


The Amethyst You take out the Bottle of Milk, outstretching your arm near the baby, but not too close. She sniffs the air, letting out a soft bleat. You heard the brown buckling bleating, his bleat echoing around the barn, calling for you or maybe talking to another goat. Perhaps he was content for now, but you hope he doesnt get into mischief. The gray doeling seems a little bit interested in the milk, but a bit untrusting of you. A. Wait B. Put the bottle of milk away C. Put the milk bottle away and leave her


The Amethyst You wait, and the doeling slowly gets to her feet. She sticks her head towards the Bottle of Milk, sniffing at it as if making sure it was safe. Her tail flicked and she started to lick at it, then eagerly started to drink the milk. A. Grab Collar and Leash B. Wait C. pet her
