
Wolves019 You stay still, watching to see what the goat does. He continues to walk towards you, and is now a foot from you. Stretching his neck, he sniffs the hay. His tail flicks a few times before stepping closer. A. Reach out and pet him, still holding hay B. Get out a Leash & Collar, still offering him the hay C. Reach out and pet him, taking the hay away from him D. Get out a Leash & Collar, pulling the hay away from him

A. Reach out and pet him, still holding hay

Wolves019 You reach out and pet him as he starts to eat the hay from your hand. His tail wags as you pet him. He's now very close to you and seems to be becoming your friend. He eats the hay from your one hand, pulling bits of it out and chewing it. A. Stop petting him for a moment and get out Leash & Collar B. Give him rest of the hay then use that hand to get the Leash and collar C. Just pet and feed him for a bit more

C. Just pet and feed him for a bit more


Wolves019 You continue to pet the buck as he eats the hay. His tail flicks happily. Finishing the hay, the buck didn't try to run. He looked at you as if asking for more, but you had nothing else to give him. He seems to like you and starts sniffing around you for more food. A. Grab a leash and collar and put it on him B. Pet him

The Amethyst You walk over to the shelves. There were traces of goats being on them before, then you see a little wooden box flipped upside down. Nothing is inside of it, maybe it helps the goats get on the shelves. You walk around it, then you heard a little maah. It seemed close. Was it another kid? A. Investigate B. Walk away from the shelves

A. Grab a leash and collar and put it on him

A. Grab a leash and collar and put it on him

Wolves019 The buck stays still as you put the collar on him and attach the leash. He looks up at you. You cannot take more than one adult goat home, are you sure? All items will go into your inventory for next time. A. Yes B. No