
MOD EDIT: Removed for not following directions. I have some art for use.
Edited at November 12, 2018 06:47 PM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Please thank Cun for the following new image! https://i.postimg.cc/fR123p3r/rsz-1542696326054.png

Wait, so your saying we can use these for free?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
The Masked Hunters said: Wait, so your saying we can use these for free?
If it wasn't for free, it would not say "Free to use"...?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
New avatar has been added! Taste the rainbow~ https://i.postimg.cc/Tw13Y6XT/image.png
If you would like the .PSD to change the background or the wolf's colors, please head here: https://www.deviantart.com/thomashir/art/WPBase2-598558254 Edited at February 10, 2019 03:41 PM by Vennenum

New avatars added by Wilverbeast! Thank you!

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Please thank Maeve for a new Darkseeker avatar! https://i.postimg.cc/nhJX7Yc8/darkseeker-submission.jpg

I'm trying to use the gif but it says it can only be 300000 bytes? Is there a way I can fix it?

Nevermind I got it to work

So basically we credit it to you? am I right?