
Determined_Wolf said: Mitzy gives cool older sister vibes and would probably be either seen handling Jiyun and Zephyr or encouraging whatever they are doing depending on how she's feeling. She loves crafting objects and lifting weights but does not like cats. Ariv meanwhile is a lot less chaotic and always does his best to help the others. While he flusters easily, he can also be a flirt. He loves to garden and make tea.
tao loves cats, so he may get pissy over that and leave one in her room when mitzy's sleeping, but jiyun. well. sometimes she'd like her and sometimes she'd hate her. most of the time she's friendly with her and she'd probably pull her along to watch her smoke a guy in a game of pool, but she would laugh if she tripped. ariv, on the other hand, would probably be a favorite of jiyun's from the sheer ability to embarrass. she appreciates that even if she personally wouldn't take much advantage of it. she's more of a spectator. i could imagine tao offering to help garden, though, and crouching nearby and watching and making a lighthearted joke while ariv talks about the plants. but wow, we have a lot of helpful characters! going to have to make my characters even less helpful in order to combat this. they're the problem children who need constant surveillance from all of the helpful guardians of the group (which is most of 'em. including zephyr, they may be chaotic but they're still a helpful guardian in my book. faust doesn't count, though. faust is on some shit).

Zephyr is both a helpful guardian and a problem child, it just depends. Someone planning something chaotic and asks Zephyr for help doing it? They're in! Same person is planning something chaotic but didn't ask for their help and they just found out about it on their own? First off, stop what you're doing and come have some hot chocolate. Secondly, how dare you not ask for their help?

I'm bored :/ Anyone want to play the character question game?

I love how everyone seems to love Ariv! Except Jiyun who absuses this man's embarrassment at the slightest compliment or actual intregue in the things he likes. Oh! And just to specify, Mitzy is Mono Gynosexual and Ariv is Poly Demisexual Panromantic! :D character game character game character game! >:)

Oh yes, sexualities! Sol is Demi-Androsexual Demiromantic, Esta is a Lesbian, and Violet is Pansexual! All of them are ambi (okay with either a poly or mono relationship) - Character game! :D I'll go first, what's everyone's favorite food/snack? - Esta: "I don't really have a favorite... I don't like much food." Violet: "Chocolate is the best! Any kind, any time, anywhere!" Sol: "Hmmm, I like sweet things. Especially pastries. I also really enjoy most bread."

Mitzy: "A good hearty stew! Always keeps me warm even when everything else feels freezin'." Ariv: "Frankly, eating is a chore and while I enjoy strong flavors and savory foods, I often find myself delighting in chickpeas as a nutrious snack between work." Alright everyone, whats your thoughts on recieving physical affection?

Esta: "Physical affection is the best! I love hugs and cuddles!!!" Violet: "I enjoy it as long as every party is alright with it. A hug is nice every now and then." Sol: "It's good... It helps me with grounding a lot of the time, makes me feel... Human... Real..."

Lost Memories said: I'll go first, what's everyone's favorite food/snack? Jiyun: "Vodka! And if you don't have any of that, then whiskey. I'll settle for a wine if anything, but if you try to give me a bud light, I'll kill you myself." Tao: "Ah, that's a great question! My favorite thing to snack on in the boring moments is probably crackers. A bit of a plain choice, yes, but I love the ones from the Club brand!" Determined_Wolf said: Alright everyone, whats your thoughts on recieving physical affection? Jiyun: "No. No, I'd rather not." Tao: "... Um, I don't think that's a very good idea." what does everyone like to do to calm down?

Snack question- Zephyr; "Uh... Hm. I like most foods. Not tomatoes. I hate those. My favorite snack though is probably... ...I don't actually tend to do snacks. I guess uh, I like crackers? Or dark chocolate? Or hot chocolate. Hot chocolate is great." - Physical affection question- Zephyr; "Uh... Not my favorite, I guess. Sometimes though. It just depends. On when, where, why, and who mostly." - Calm down question- Zephyr; "It depends on what I'm calming down from. Sometimes listening to loud music is good, sometimes reading is good, sometimes sleeping is good, sometimes I just want hot chocolate, sometimes I just end up pacing around and talking out loud to myself. It just depends. Someone being nearby usually helped... My spiders are really helpful nowadays though! They're great! You should meet them all! Some of them have names!"

Violet: "I like to take some time away from people. I usually read or just go sit outside in nature for a while." Esta: "I usually go hang out with friends and have nice conversations, that, or I read or try to take a nap or something." Sol: "Um, well... I guess I just try to go to someone I trust to help... I'm not very good at calming myself down..."