
Ooooo~ Joaquin gets to cuss people out >:D Imagine one of the friends was one of the campers Tamesis said: Yup <3 Spellbound said: Are we still doing the plot of why he's there or is the other one? Tamesis said: LMAO He'll be a side character that cleans that stalls, so I'm sure you'll see lots of him

Waiiiit. What if Percy was dealing with Casimis when Joa comes to check out his horse and they meet again *^*

That could work Joa walking on his ex fighting against a horse is amusing XD Spellbound said: Waiiiit. What if Percy was dealing with Casimis when Joa comes to check out his horse and they meet again *^*

YEssss, And he trips over the fence trying to run away from Casimis right on Joa and it's a whole ass mess lmao Tamesis said: That could work Joa walking on his ex fighting against a horse is amusing XD Spellbound said: Waiiiit. What if Percy was dealing with Casimis when Joa comes to check out his horse and they meet again *^*
Edited at January 20, 2023 12:03 PM by Spellbound

We're not going to talk about have we two girls nicknamed after colors 💀 We have Blue and Rouge

Also, anyone besides Joa wants to be Percy's flirt victim?

I think everyone else is either too young or not into men lmao Tamesis said: Also, anyone besides Joa wants to be Percy's flirt victim?

That is true >,> Damn, Percy has to use all that flirtyness on Joa Poor dude gonna get worn down lmao Spellbound said: I think everyone else is either too young or not into men lmao Tamesis said: Also, anyone besides Joa wants to be Percy's flirt victim?

Joa blushing like mad at Percy being a little shit. Him denying his crush, heavily, and Rouge teasing him about it Tamesis said: That is true >,> Damn, Percy has to use all that flirtyness on Joa Poor dude gonna get worn down lmao Spellbound said: I think everyone else is either too young or not into men lmao Tamesis said: Also, anyone besides Joa wants to be Percy's flirt victim?

I don't wanna rain on your parade, but the riders will be doing that for their own horses ;-; The only ones there who aren't adults are the delinquents, and the adults are the instructors, who, if they have horses there, would look after themselves. Tamesis said: LMAO He'll be a side character that cleans that stalls, so I'm sure you'll see lots of him