
A drawing of Haimini above and two of Eitaro bellow!!

Thank you for allowing us to see more of your amazing art, Fenrir.

Ahhh thank you for always being so supportive!! You're making me tear up now-

Good, feel my threatening prowess of admiration of your artistic abilities. I am adding the pictures to the album I have of your art as we speak. Determined_Wolf said: Ahhh thank you for always being so supportive!! You're making me tear up now-

Socrateeeeees stop being so nice I don't have the heart for this!! You're waaaay too kind when it comes to this!!!

I will not stop. You will submit to my compliments, receive them, and believe them. There is no other option, Fenrir.

Determined_Wolf said: I was talking about Adonis Driscoll, but I am glad I know what Theo smells like! XD
XD Adonis smells like Minty Roses so mint and Rose scent s King of Winter said: What is the general layout of the various nations? Where are they in relation to each other? What makes them unique?
I have put the general description of the realms in the thread , How they all connect? so Demon Realm | Lake | Angel Realm | Forest | Castle Redforf | Grassland and Wetland | Shape Shifter realm | Thick Dense Forest | Fae Realm | Edited at July 30, 2022 02:55 AM by Pastry Lord

Woul you all just like me to come up with the realm terrain snd stuff like that? also sorry for my inactivity On holiday and I couldn't find the discussion thread as I had accidentally unsubscribed to it XD

Determined That's amazing, thanks for drawing , your amazing art .

Sorry for my own inactivity! I have been doing a class these past two weeks and I just got back yesterday. If you wouldn't mind coming up with stuff that would be great, but I would love to help you with that! I know this is a liiiiiittle dead but I hope you all are doing well!