
Hey what is something that would smell like the the heir? Just as an example.

Theo has a rather sweet smell like honey with a hint of river mist lol Determined_Wolf said: Hey what is something that would smell like the the heir? Just as an example.

I was talking about Adonis Driscoll, but I am glad I know what Theo smells like! XD

Oh sorry lol Determined_Wolf said: I was talking about Adonis Driscoll, but I am glad I know what Theo smells like! XD

No it's fine! Eitaro would definitely tease Theo if they ever met and this is good material to start!

Hey just so we can all be picturing the same thing, can we all agree on what the areas would look like? Not just the demon area either, but maybe the Angel one as well? Just so we don't describe different areas and all? I love coming up with these ideas so here are a few examples just to get started: Angels live in a large mountain range surrounded by a big, bird cage like shield. Since all the homes and stores are carved into the sides of the mountain, the main mode of transportations are flying, flying trolly cars, and teleporting taxis for the rich. Meanwhile, maybe the fae all live in a treetop forest surrounded by desert because of an old myth that the fae are so good at growing things, their ancestors were able to make a portion of the desert an amazing forest. These are just some ideas but it would be great if we could all agree how everything (especially the demon area) looks.

Sorry for such a short post! Normally I write more, but I had a lot of work and I still need to make Haimini's post so I am a little tired. ^^'

What is the general layout of the various nations? Where are they in relation to each other? What makes them unique?

King, the demon area doesn't have a decided name just yet but it's a big big town with tall buildings and tight houses. What probably makes it the most unique is the mass amount of diversity in its people and the amount of plants and floral stuff like trees and gardens on rooftops, flowers and vines everywhere, etc. that the residents take care of. We haven't really talked about everything else for the other nations and whatnot. Only a few ideas but nothing anyone can agree on sadly.
