
How much should we tell them though? Obviously some of it needs to be kept on the down low XD Determined_Wolf said: yayyyyyy!!! :D Spellbound said: Yessss >:3 Overthink101 said: It's greatness. Should we tell them Spell?

ehhhh maybe just tell me all of it because why not? Overthink101 said: How much should we tell them though? Obviously some of it needs to be kept on the down low XD Determined_Wolf said: yayyyyyy!!! :D Spellbound said: Yessss >:3 Overthink101 said: It's greatness. Should we tell them Spell?

Hmmmm. Let's give them a little teaser, and leave the rest for the RP Overthink101 said: How much should we tell them though? Obviously some of it needs to be kept on the down low XD Determined_Wolf said: yayyyyyy!!! :D Spellbound said: Yessss >:3 Overthink101 said: It's greatness. Should we tell them Spell?

yayyyyyy! I get some lore drops!!!

How about you ask questions and we answer 👀

That sounds good, yeah. And we can choose what we do or don't answer Spellbound said: How about you ask questions and we answer 👀

So they are both from noble families but how did they meet? why are they no longer close and does it have something to do with their secrets?? why are they both so pink and attractive???

1. Met at a fancy event and bonded over talking about poisons. Known each other since they were like 11-12 2. It does have to do with their secrets 3. I love pink haired men, sue me

oh my god I actually wasn't expecting so many answers- okay so let me guess on the second one: someone close or that they hated died and this is also why Jäger hates ghosts. am I close?? :D

I can't answer for Jäger because I don't know :3