

I'm gonna try to post sometime today, may be a few hours as I'm currently packing for the weekend and holiday lol

@Apple Shadow is by the lake in a broken down cabin. Would you like an interaction between Bri and him? It would be short with his personality but could push the two into the pack's territory for more interactions ^-^
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Fangsoffire said: @Apple Shadow is by the lake in a broken down cabin. Would you like an interaction between Bri and him? It would be short with his personality but could push the two into the pack's territory for more interactions ^-^
Sure! That's a great idea

I feel like I made Grayson too much of a slimeball but at least he will be sacrificed.

Every rp needs a slimeball, characters form deeper connections if there is someone or something to unite against

I'm new to the rp, I've gotten my character involved with Luna right now. I'm curious on what yall would like to see from her. My replies are semi short right now as I'm just now jumping in.

@fangsoffire let me know when Shadow interacts with Bri so I can start working on a post for her

Alright, I was going to do it last night but I fell asleep. I might just have Zane interact with her instead. Not sure what to do for Shadow right now xD Apple_Bottom_Jeans said: @fangsoffire let me know when Shadow interacts with Bri so I can start working on a post for her
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sorry for the shorter replies. Was trying to keep the two characters separate, but they might end up in long singular posts when they are together.