
I'm making a winged lion gargoyle >:)

Ooooo. I'm trying to decide what I'm going to base Tita after. I know she has pretty feathered wings though.

I like this concept a lot :) Cereal said: I'm making a winged lion gargoyle >:)

Here's a brief idea on what he looks like ;3 --- Also this --- If anyone needs help finding decent picrew pics then let me know I have like 10+ bookmarked ;3 Edited at October 15, 2022 09:47 PM by Cereal

Zakoth was more of an indoor castle-type gargoyle, built for admiring the guests and showing off the artist's technique Meanwhile, Lito is a lion gargoyle that guards the entrance of the castle and is posted outside as a symbol of protection/guardianship

^^ He looks very fancy -- Also, Visnyra is open to basically anything if anybody is interested

Visnyra and Sirena I think are gonna hate each other.

I can't wait for the townspeople to react to Tatsuya (who's a prince) to be scrubbing down floors and baseboards and slowly cleaning the castle. And throwing down in the kitchen with what he can make. He was punished with ruler/whip hits by his father, up until he was 12 and his mother found out and cussed the living daylights out of his father. And then his punishments were to help the castle staff, so he learned how to : clean a room to perfection, do laundry and clean beds, care for horses in the stables, cook and bake upperclass and regular meals from scratch, learning how to garden (one the main reasons he's a big flower/herb need and loves gardens) , and carriage maintenance. Along with haggling for prices in the market and a bit of forge work.

Once Lito is done, he'll be open to anything --- Thank you, Ten <3

Also quick question, how many eggs in a clutch can gargoyles have? Tita has laid three eggs four days ago. And I was wondering was that too many or the right amount. Also, is their anything specific you have for gargoyle mating rituals/ traditions? And what parts of the castle are off limits to humans? And what do the gargoyles eat?