
Oooo! I like that idea!! I was reading some things about world building when there was a cool idea that if you have a place that has a lot of pigeons, for example, maybe the pigeons not only become a symbol of the town/nation, but they also are well loved. Problem is, pigeons tend to be very messy, so in that town, a very noble or well respected job would be the pigeon caretakers who clean them, help feed them, and take care of their waste. I'm not saying that we should do the same thing, but some cool details like that would be super awesome to include! Edited at February 17, 2022 12:10 PM by Determined_Wolf

That sounds cool! If they're pests or dangerous animals, some people might not like them but still be pious enough not to harm them. For instance, if coyotes were considered sacred, people might leave meat out for them to discourage them from killing their livestock. And maybe because there aren't real religious figures, those who wish to show off their religious nature tame/take care of the sacred animals.

I find the pigeons thing interesting mostly because Cassian adores them

Pigeons would make sense because they can be trained and are pretty common. They're also evil, but that's besides the point. I suppose, if Argos likes the idea, we could think of different animals for different gods/places.

Okay I did some thinking in research and I think I have a good idea of all of the animals!! Paro would probably be represented by an artic fox. They are creatures of solitude and live in colder climates. Like you suggested with the coyote, foxes would probably take the shepard's livestock so maybe leaving dead livestock animals at Paro's temple would be common. Quinn would most likely be represented by a crow or an owl as both are highly intelligent. Especially crows. I would believe Rusa is represented by pigeons because they are good for carrying messages. Rusa the place is home to many sailors so being able to transfer information is crucial. That or the snake as they are friendly but deadly to those who threaten them. Suca is home to hardworkers and warmer climates so capybaras or honeybees would be a good representation. Capybaras are friendly to all species of animals and honeybees are some of the hardest working animals of all so either perfectly work. Hope this works for you guys!!

Well, I think we should make sure everyone in onboard before really going ahead with this, but I love all of those ideas. I prefer crows just on a personal level, but owls would also work for me. I think honeybees could be cool for Suca because of their immense importance, their hardiness and unseen power, and the use of honey in healing, so that they have benevolent and malevolent connotations.

I also like these ideas. I have no arguments, lmao, mainly because Cassian likes crows and pigeons :))

I like the idea and I'm glad y'all are adding your own ideas into the world! I do think that the idea could be used in a world and it would (probably) fit into Tetra due to the fact that it deals with history. However, before we go more into detail about this idea, I'd like to see who else agrees with it. --- If we do do it, I'd like to do it on animals that represent the gods/goddesses as well since it is based off of the "cycle of life".

Okay that makes more sense! I was just throwing ideas out there, but I am sure I can look into finding more animals that match the personalities of the gods/goddesses. I will work on looking up some ones later!

I like honeybees, and all of it, but honeybees ;)