
I'm down to make more dragon characters if we need, as long as we get the okay from Imp <3 as I'm currently at four characters

I made way to many characters be because I kept coming up with good drama idea. Let's see how much I struggle to post for them all. XD Desmodus is necessary because I really enjoy RPing him. Ku is kinda just there. So is Nyoka, especially Nyoka. I forgot why I even made Nyoka- I didn't even have drama plans for her- (pain)

Don't feel like you have to keep all of them if you don't want to ^^ If you need to reduce the amount you have, you're more than okay to. <3 I want you to be comfortable and have a good time. Matunda said: I made way to many characters be because I kept coming up with good drama idea. Let's see how much I struggle to post for them all. XD Desmodus is necessary because I really enjoy RPing him. Ku is kinda just there. So is Nyoka, especially Nyoka. I forgot why I even made Nyoka- I didn't even have drama plans for her- (pain)

Imperial Sands said: Don't feel like you have to keep all of them if you don't want to ^^ If you need to reduce the amount you have, you're more than okay to. <3 I want you to be comfortable and have a good time. Matunda said: I made way to many characters be because I kept coming up with good drama idea. Let's see how much I struggle to post for them all. XD Desmodus is necessary because I really enjoy RPing him. Ku is kinda just there. So is Nyoka, especially Nyoka. I forgot why I even made Nyoka- I didn't even have drama plans for her- (pain)
I may think about removing Nyoka then. ^^

No worries ^^ Just let me know so we can find someone to fill the spot.

Imperial Sands said: No worries ^^ Just let me know so we can find someone to fill the spot.
I think I'm gonna remove her. I shouldn't have made 4 characters, it was kind of a stupid idea since I already suffer writer's block.

No worries at all ^^ thank you!

As it stands right now, we need one more dragon, and possibly a mentor. Spell's reservation has expired for Mentor, but I've possibly got someone filling it so I'll let you know about that spot in a bit. So I'd like to offer to anyone who has 1-2 characters if they want to make the dragon? If not, I will open the spot up in the Sign Ups, or I may take it myself for a Third Dragon ^.^'.

I can either throw in my storm dragon from last time or make a new character. Either is fine with me. Edit: I only have two characters, so I'm up for the third. ^^ Edited at August 5, 2023 01:12 AM by High Hills Pack
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If you would like ^^ I myself was thinking of bringing in an old Storm Dragon of mine who I recently rediscovered I had Tene do a bust for XD High Hills Pack said: I can either throw in my storm dragon from last time or make a new character. Either is fine with me. Edit: I only have two characters, so I'm up for the third. ^^