
Yeah, i do, my little Raven :> but i really want to make another lol. I already have an adult so im covered if they happen to die. So if its ok with Imperial im going too :D Spellbound said: Don't you already have a pup? It's okay, and plus the Outsiders need wolves so it more important to fill them up. TheHappyHowlers said: Also your welcome ^^ wait- could i change my outside pack member to a pup?

I love the stock photo I found for Juniper

Im back on lol, and yeah Juniper is cute <3

I would prefer people didn't have duplicate character roles so someone else has a chance to make a character in the role.


I'm considering adding Deya as a nomad

I like Summit as a name for your wolf Imperial :D

I'm still trying to decide on a name for my male. Maybe I should give up and name him like Onion or Radish or Garlic or something because this is so hard. I have GOOD options. But idk which one I like more.

lol, i totally understand

I've narrowed it down to Vale, Frost, or Hail. Fabulous.