
Pretty much same except to finish her character sheet I need actual motivation lmao. I am totally up to starting when you're ready though! It might give me the boost I need lol. Bruiser said: okok so roman is almost done-- i just gotta finish up some things on his personality and do his appearance :") after that, im so ready to go lmao

if you could start now that would be great! i honestly think there's enough in both of our forms to at least get a general idea~
as for starting (if you decide to now), you could maybe have her on the run and she could end up in a small town? roman could be out and about, so you could mention him right off the bat if you wanted to and then we could go from there. or you can start however you want, lol up to you 100%

I can write a starter ^^. I have some ideas!

sounds good! im excited to see what you come up with :))

I did a small starter as I have a migraine but it's a start ^^

no worries! i also dont mind if our posts arent hella long lmao. it could definitely be laid-back if need-be :) however, i will probably still end up typing a lot but do not feel obligated to do the same if you can't at the time !!

I don't doubt I'll get way carried away with this lol. Usually if I really enjoy an rp, a plot, or characters you better believe I'm gonna write a novel for responses at times XD.

i definitely will be probably when they're having their tense moments-

Oh hell yeah! Intense moments and fights holy shit do I get carried away. Also emotional moments. Lmao.

YES i literally try to go as in-depth as possible when it comes to those scenes cause i just love getting to know the character more that way, and it just makes it feel more real