

@Mother Same. I always forget or just don't ask for some reason.

Somehow this double posted just now I don't know Edited at July 11, 2022 10:49 AM by Convivial

Aye! Good news is we only need 16 more roles filled and we can start^^
Well, only 12 once Imperial Sands and Adderglade finish theirs up and then Mother adds her two^^
So, if you don't want your dogs to die, no worries, they don't have to. We'll just kill the NPC's, XD Edited at July 11, 2022 11:47 AM by Dagger Pack

Would ya'll want to start at the beginning of the race? Right as they enter Ruby? Or as they are leaving Ruby and are hit by the avalanche?


I think having it start as they enter would give us more time to get attached to the characters that we are about to brutally murder.

Then the tears and popcorn will arise. I wanna add another character. So I can join in the murdering.

Adderglade - For Deanero, are you alright with her having a more fatherly figure? Heads up -- I am going to kill him. I have his age at 7 right now but I can make him closer to hers if you want.

Good news guys! We only need eight more roles filled! It'll be five once Pastry Lord finishes their two and Mother finishes Skadi!
And if you don't want your dog to die! They don't have to, XD, but if you were prefer them brutally murdered in the avalanche or the trek back to Galena, then go for it. XD^^