
You guys wake up early lol, but then again I don't have a first period so I can sleep in.
I thought Misery said strictly 2 people per dorm? I can just wait and see if someone else shows up with a male character. Or maybe he can be Jack Livingstone's roommate once he's done, since they're both freshmen (If that's cool with you Nikki.) Also holy crap Jack is 6'7" and he's 10 pounds heavier than my 5'7" guy

Oh yeah Niko is up for potential friendships, relationships etc (I didn't think about poly relationships - he may do it for someone he really likes but he'd be mostly attached to that one person at first.) You really just have to be base-level nice to him for him to want to be friends (he may be a little naiive at times.)

Alright cause that's what I though (dorm wise) now everyone is saying 3 so I'm a bit confused- Well Zavior is definitely not going to be Niko's friend for that matter.

Lol I apologize if I haven't clarified that good. One person can have 2 more people as roommates. So yes, 3 people per dorm.

Oh, alright. Less confusing now “^^

Im back with skipping again i don't wanna be here at school

How in the world do you skip school without getting in trouble? I'm homeschooled so I already finished, but dude skipping? Ee

well techinacally i tell my liberian i have a pass and ost of my teachers don't care TvT

Anyways we were talking about Willow with here as a bisexual-poly

Elloise and her could have secret crush's on each other if I change her sexuality?