
Took a hot minute to get back to this but- Firefox, It was great! ;) And you're welcome!^^

Gonna try to make a post for Alexandria next

Yassss Alexandria!!! I love seeing everyones posts :)

Me too! I'm excited to see re posts from everyone! But Alexandria should be up either tonight or tomorrow night. Meant to work on - hers over the weekend but never got to it so don't worry it's coming soon in theaters 2022! - Lol


I mean I'm still up to do this. I wanted to wait for the rest of the group to reply... Uh, but it's just been me you and Val.

Yeah I know hopefully they reply soon because I really don't want this to die


Yeah, I was holding out for others to jump in, but I'm thinking our group thinned. But, if you guys are still up to work with the characters we have for now, then I'm still down. We just might have to make sure everyone's getting in an interaction with our smaller group lol. Firefox, if you still want to do an Alexandria post, then I can wait for that before doing a Deacon one.

I won't have Alexandria up for a little bit. I still have a lot of schoolwork to catch up on from being sick so that's what my Friday/Saturday is unfortunately committed to