
I'm very confused by that sentence Mass Did I miss something??

Okay, I went with Reaper's suggestion(thank you for that) and made Grace neutral good so she is hopefully finished enough to be accepted?

I'm looking at the sheets tomorrow, after the deadline ^^ ~ Algebra, It's mainly directed at Malice 'cause we have some stuff planned. Which reminds me, did I forget to reply to you Tenebinth? ^^" I thought I did but now I'm doubting
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Will I have to chance to fix it if it's not up to standards? . And uhh, are you talking about the PM I sent you about Grace and Cass's thing? If so, no, you didn't ^^'

Yep ^^ I'll get to it after I stop walking down the hallway a bunch :') (stimming), sorry for taking so long
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Alright, that's good. . It's fine. Just glad you didn't completely forget lol

I wish my method of stimming was pacing up and down the hall, I rub my fingernail against the pad of my thumb and it either cuts it or makes a blister 😭 Salem said: Yep ^^ I'll get to it after I stop walking down the hallway a bunch :') (stimming), sorry for taking so long
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I bend my nails :') Not very much but it starts getting a bit annoying the longer my nails are so I keep 'em short. I only have two forms of stimming 'cause when I was growing up undiagnosed I was always told "Stop that" or it's bothering people so I stopped and was only left with two. The walking was also called bothersome but apparently it's more subborn than the others lol. I've been stimming an unusual amount lately and my legs are kinda sore these days :')
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So was I, I only reasently got my ADHD diagnosis, autism has a long line but literally everyone I've talked to that knows me (along with official tests) says I have it and it would explain a fuckton of things about me. Learned how to mask a lot though so I don't know how much of it shows around here lol. My stims are mostly small things that I can do under a table or in a pocket, like rubbing my nail against my thumb, playing with a fidget cube, tapping my nails on something, tapping my leg, etc.
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Oh yeah yeah :0 I used to have some of those I refuse to mask, it hurt my mental health and so I just said fuck it, people can deal with my autism :') I'm very lucky though, I only socialize with other neurodivergents and on the rare encounter with a neurotypical they're usually pretty nice I don't think I really know how to mask anymore not gonna lie Edited at November 27, 2024 08:24 PM by Salem
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