
I'm still here! Sorry I've been so inactive, I'm really busy this week, I have two shows the rest of the week until Sunday for a musical I'm in, and both a band and choir concert next week, so I can't promise a lot of activity for a while, but I'm definitely still interested!

Okay so just to stir some discussions up, say there was a mage baddy who enchants your character into seeing themselves in happy alternative version of their life in an attempt to trap them and steal their joy or something like that. What does your character see as their 'happy alternate world?' How long would it take for your character to realize that the weird dream wasn't reality and snap out of it?

Determined- Reminds me of that episode of Supernatural :0 The whole episode is about being trapped in your so-called perfect world. In happiness, he'd be back in his childhood, relearning how to fight with his father. His brother would probably love him rather than hold favoritism against him, but the change would be subtle; Marlen didn't truly hate him until he was given the Herran name when their father died. Because of his innate knightly nature, he'd notice something off pretty quickly, even if he thought it was just a dream. Like if Pasila wasn't obsessed with him, and his father paid equal attention to him and Marlen. These are little details that only he would notice, since it was his life alone. (and he never would've imagined them on his own) What about your character, DT?

I have no idea for Zahra. Maybe traveling the world. Maybe living in a nice pretty area by herself. I don't think it would take her long to realize Edited at April 28, 2022 02:09 PM by Sir Froggington

I think Bjorn's would actually be pretty similar to what his life already is, because he's grown very fond of how he lives. Just him at home, no trainees (I'm sorry, but it's true :), with his wife and sons and uncle. A sort of more isolated world with vibrant nature around him. Because it's so similar, I think he might be confused at first, but since it's something that he feels he can have in real life he would break out of it pretty easily once he figured out what was going on. It's just the figuring out what's going on that would elude him :)

August's is not creating the whole time thing and killing that dude. He is successful in life and gets to be the king's right-hand mage. He'd be glorified and people wouldn't make fun of him. Sort of feared, but also loved by those who really matter. Probably has a girl. He wouldn't want to realize that it was all a dream. He would want it so much to be true, but would eventually snap out because of his family motto. Plus he'd eventually get sick of "living" a lie. ---- Sorry I haven't gotten a responding post out. I've been busy with school. Edited at April 28, 2022 08:00 PM by Argos

Who is it that we're waiting for now?


Yeah, I think Xuan has been busy a lot recently so let's give Xuan just a little bit more time. I don't mind posting though in a week if there is still no response. I honestly didn't think of Supernatural, Ebony, but I love that connection! I still haven't gotten fully into the show yet if I am being frank... I love all the different responses though! I am surprised Diamond would be the only one to recognize that it's all fake and willingly stay longer in.

sorry for the wait and the sloppy writing, but at least I got a post out LMAO