
Ah, no, I'm not annoyed with you. I'm just a little bit of a psychology nerd and know way too much about different disorders and whatnot Sorry I came across annoyed, tone is a weird thing to convey over technology Edited at November 22, 2024 03:53 PM by Overthink101

I completely get that! I'm know a lot about a lot and that tends to break down into the fact that I miss some things haha! I tend to be very blunt and everyone takes it as me being mean or rude and I'm like, "Huh? No I'm not mad, just being honest? Isn't that what you want?" So I always use emojis to try and convey the tone, sucks that it doesn't work in forums usually though 😭. Also, I looked into ASPD and I'm not quite sure that's what I'm looking for, can I DM you about it? I think that would be handy haha
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I completely get that- I usually use the laughing abbreviations like lmao or lol or XD or haha And then I drop them while being more factual and people think I'm mad. You can totally shoot me a PM about it!

3 hours on a character sheet and I wanna be done already ✨
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Y'all have any good game ideas? Something on steam would be best. I've been getting kinda bored playing the sims so much lmao My main issue is not wanting to change
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Ark is a good game from what I've heard, personally I love the FNAF franchise but it's horror (jump scare type) so I don't know if you're into that.
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I haven't played any FNAF stuff, but I'll definitely check it out, I do love horror games :3 I played Man of Medan a few months ago and it was pretty fun, I think that's what it's called
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FNAF is my favorite franchise, went through a phase a few years ago and then I recently got back into it, found a copy of the FNAF World game (Which was taken off of steam soon after it was released because of the backlash from the community. I love it though, it's an RPG style game without that classic FNAF horror aspect)
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I think so far only Reaper has gotten their secondary character done, unless Algebra did and I'm just dumb lmao But anyways, y'all have until tomorrow night to get everything done 'cause we're starting the day after At the deadline I'll check all the characters and add them to the list ^^ Edited at November 26, 2024 05:32 PM by Salem
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This is gonna be interesting, that's for sure. Oh my lord, imagine if the two murderers were to start hunting eachother
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