
Oh in that case just have her as a healer. I think with Shamans there's a much higher spiritual emphasis hence the no mate thing. ^^

I'm loving all the different packs and all the different characters, I feel like this is gonna be a really fun one >:]

perfect! ^^ Imperial Sands said: Oh in that case just have her as a healer. I think with Shamans there's a much higher spiritual emphasis hence the no mate thing. ^^

So I made Day 2 the Day on the Lake but also like a Night on the Town, so people are kind of free to do whatever the please, get familiar with their town, etc. on the second day. Now I just need something for Day 4.

Outdoorsy day and art night?


Eehee thank you ^^ I'm impressed with myself; usually I can't spit out that much personality. Just gotta do it for Ezra now. Mans must be attraktyv

So tempted to drag in a second character

Do it. Cereal said: So tempted to drag in a second character

I have a bunch of new characters in Google docs waiting to be used- Imperial Sands said: Do it. Cereal said: So tempted to drag in a second character