Oh my goodness, it's great <3 But I feel you, starters are rough ahah.
I do totally have a small idea though for how our two babes first meet though lol. If Lio's car is perhaps parked on the side of the street or something, wouldn't it just completely make his night to see someone attempting to break into it? And by someone... I mean Ivar. Maybe Lio has something as simple as just a shiny looking, pristine money clip -with no money in it- just sitting in view should someone walk by, and Ivar happened to see it, and decides 'why the hell not', and starts to attempt to break into the car to get the shiny thing.
If we go with this and Lio sees it, I can see it going two ways, maybe more if you have any ideas; either Lio immediately confronts him, or Lio pretends to be a simple passerby, maybe asks Ivar what he's up to or if he needs help, and Ivar totally tries to play it off as it being his car, and he's locked out of it or something.
I'd imagine a scenario like that -either way it goes- would be entertaining. Especially when Ivar realizes he's been attempting to break into a law enforcer's vehicle.
Thoughts on that?