
I'll try to get my posts up tonight, if not then tomorrow! I'll be on the ship all day, so I won't have the same distractions that I have here in my room ahah
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Vox - Ah man, hope everything works out for you with everything, potential or non. And thanks for your service bruh! Tonneoshet - Heyo, nice to meet you :) Feel free to PM me about any specific affiliations between your boy and Samael, or I'll likely PM you myself when I finish procrastinating with paperwork lol All that just to say I'll be sitting down to actually write here shortly, so Samael should be up between tonight or tomorrow

Eeee, nice to meet you too! I'm happy to skim through the sign ups again to find the sheet for him and I can pm you afterwards to save you some time if you'd like? :)) Just double checking but where are most of the vamps atm? Or is everyone kind of scattered here there and everywhere?
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Sounds coolio to me :) Dont quote me on this but I think Samael is page 5 of the sign-ups?? As for the rest of the vamps... uh, I think so far most are at the less than stellar temp warehouse they're staying in? Samael isn't there right now, but he'll be making his entrance in the post I get out for him.

I'm scared my first post might be insanely long-- Then I'll never be able to top it ever again lmfao
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Oh yeah- nope- I'm never gonna beat that- Apologies everyone TwT
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XDD I think it looks fabulous!
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It looks like a novel along with its sequel-- That's damn near three books worth /J xD
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I'm gonna be starting Mosi as returning from a diplomatic travel to another pack. Not sure when I'll get my first post up but been reading everyone else's and they are so lovely

I've actually got my post for Ikaris in works right now! I feel like it's been forever since I've actually roleplay. eeee, I hope I'm not too rusty lmao
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