
Firefox said: I'll get my posts out tonight or tommronight ^^ prepping for school and just doing other things has kept me busy, also learning how to drive soon so I've been needing to take the test >.>
Firefox Good luck on your driving test, just breathe and concentrate. Also if you have extreme anxiety , maybe get calming stuff so your anxiety goes down. :)) Yesh so good luck and breathe

I put another post up for Theo if anyone wants to check it out and tell me if you want anything to change!! . Also sorry if it is short and took me awhile to actually get another post out, school has started back for me and I am getting more work shifts!! So sorry to everyone!

Ahh yes school is starting up for me aswell! I'll try to get a post out soon though

I'm glad this RP did not die, I was getting worried there :")
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Yes I was worried also- I need to post though whenever I can. I'm currently trying to write out a personality and everything I write I hate :')

I was worried too, that why i decided to post heh


XD that's me with every character lol. I usually just go along with what I know and can never put it into words :") Firefox said: Yes I was worried also- I need to post though whenever I can. I'm currently trying to write out a personality and everything I write I hate :')
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Done my posts , will reply with Aspen once I get more replies from others

School started up and it's taking me longer than expected to get my replies out :') I apologize for the wait but I should have them out by tomorrow if everything goes according to plan